I’m intrigued by the possibilities for new interfaces things like Google Street View bring up. I was expecting full walkable VR setups and that sort of thing, but the projects that have actually been implemented are a bit more humble.

Here’s Tokyo Jogging a clever (if low frame rate) pairing of Street View and the WiiMote.

Stringing together Street View frames to create animation:

Stweet pairs Tweets and Street View

Screenshot of stweet showing 6th Avenue in Manhattan

Pseudo-augmented reality panning interface. (This one’s pretty old — and while it makes a good demo, actually using it might be too much work compared to the iPhone’s more practical implementation.

New York Then and Now

Screenshot of NYPL project New York Then and Now

Finally, I wanted to explore retracing a GPS-logged route using Street View for my response to Red’s M5 bus assignment. The results were a bit strange, but I think it brings up some of the contention between actually being somewhere and settling for Google’s approximation.

If anyone’s interested in exploring Street View in code, here’s a bit of processing code I wrote which will attempt to download and composite the panoramic image for any given address to lat / lon pairing.