A quick assignment for GLART, drawing an animated field of triangles.

White triangles on a black backgroundMore white triangles on a black backgroundEven more white triangles on a black backgroundYet more white triangles on a black background

Here’s the code:

package mika;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.media.opengl.*;
import jocode.*;

* DemoBasicGeometry.java
* Demonstrate six types of geometry using glBegin()...glEnd()
* napier at potatoland dot org

public class Week1 extends JOApp {

// Set the mouse position in a way that's
// useful for translating objects at 0 Z
public float screenCursorX;
public float screenCursorY;
public float tempValue;
public float sizeMult;

* Start the application, Run() initializes the OpenGL context, calls setup(),
* handles mouse and keyboard input, and calls draw() in a loop.

public static void main(String args[]) {
// create the app
Week1 demo = new Week1();

// set title, window size
windowTitle = "Hello World";
displayWidth = 1440;
displayHeight = 900;

// start running: will call init(), setup(), draw(), mouse functions

* Initialize settings. Will be called once when app starts. Called by
* JOApp.init().

public void setup() {
// set a background color
gl.glClearColor(0 f, 0 f, 0 f, 1 f);

// Move over to my second monitor for testing...
// TODO Disable this IRL
frame.setLocation(-1440, 150);

* Render one frame. Called by the JOApp.display() callback function.

public void draw() {

// Clear screen and depth buffer

// Select The Modelview Matrix (controls model orientation)

// gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_ONE, GL.GL_ONE);

// Reset the Modelview matrix
// this resets the coordinate system to center of screen

// Where is the 'eye'
glu.gluLookAt(0 f, 0 f, 10 f, // eye position
6 f, 1 f, 0 f, // target to look at
0 f, 1 f, 0 f); // which way is up

// color will affect all the following verts
gl.glColor4f(1 f, 1 f, 1 f, 0.5 f);
// gl.glColor3f(1f, 1f, 1f);

sizeMult = 3;
tempValue = (tempValue + .02 f) % 1000;

for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
gl.glRotatef(tempValue, tempValue, tempValue, tempValue);

gl.glTranslatef(.1 f, .1 f, .1 f);

gl.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLES); {
// top
gl.glVertex3f(0 f, 0 f, 0 f);

// lower left
gl.glVertex3f(-0.5 f * sizeMult, -1 f * sizeMult, 0 f);

// lower right
gl.glVertex3f(0.5 f * sizeMult, -1 f * sizeMult, 0 f);

// reset vertex color to white
gl.glColor3f(1 f, 1 f, 1 f);

public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent _event) {
// Call the parent method since it actually gives us the
// Better just to copy the whole method?
screenCursorX = cursorX / (displayWidth / 10 f);
screenCursorY = cursorY / (displayHeight / 10 f) - 3 f;
