Meantime at the IAC


Meantime is a software installation designed specifically for the 120×11 foot video wall at the IAC building in New York.

The system pulls portions of two popular, high-volume, user-generated content streams — Twitter and Flickr — and streams them into a realtime feed on a video wall. Meantime leverages the scale of the IAC’s video wall to convey the overwhelming volume and pace of content accumulation on the web.

Content accumulates in real-time for the piece’s duration (three minutes) in front of a rapidly ticking clock. The clock shows the current time as milliseconds elapsed since midnight January 1, 1970 — the format of the universal time stamp of the web. Since the content is streamed live from various APIs, no two runs are the same.


A video wall showing large digitsA video wall showing a stream of tweet textA video wall showing large digits and a stream of tweet textClose up of a video wall

A person in front of Meantime

A video wall showing a series of large zero digitsA screenshot of Meantime




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